The brain is our main hearing organ. The video below explains how our ears change a physical vibration into a neural impulse that can be interpreted by the brain.

Types of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can arise from anywhere along the auditory system. At Medical Audiology, we work closely with your GP and ENT Specialists to ensure appropriate referral and management in all cases.
Types of Hearing Aids
Optimum hearing aid type is determined by a person’s hearing loss, health status of the ear, needs and wants as well as physical considerations. At Medical Audiology, we consider all these factors in recommending your hearing aids.
Hearing aids are available in many shapes and sizes.
RIC Receiver-in-Ear
The microphones, processing chip and battery of the hearing aid sits discretely behind the ear. A wire conducts the sound directly from the aid into the ear canal.

BTE Behind-the-Ear
The microphones, processing chip, battery and loudspeaker of the hearing aid sits behind the ear. The sound travels through a hollow tube to an ear piece (mould) worn in the ear canal. This style fits the widest range of hearing loss and is particularly appropriate for people with middle ear disease and intermittently weeping ears.
IIC Invisible-in-Canal
The IIC is the smallest hearing aid custom made hearing aid. The microphones, processing chip, battery and loudspeaker of the hearing aid sits deep inside the ear canal and because of this it requires meticulous cleaning to prevent wax and skin getting into the aid and causing damage.

CIC Completely-in-Canal
The custom made CIC hearing aid, like the IIC, has the microphones, processing chip, battery and loudspeaker of the hearing aid sitting inside the ear canal and because of this it requires meticulous cleaning to prevent wax and skin getting into the aid and causing damage. Its size allows for a program button.
ITC In-the-Canal
This is the largest of the custom made hearing aids. Due to its size, it can fit a larger range of hearing loss. In addition it has space to house dual microphones to help hearing speech in noise.